Current thoughts on wikis

Current thought on wikis

Many people writing and researching wikis consider it as a tool to be used for working collaboratively. Read Lund (2008) Wikis: a collective approach to language production ReCALL 20(1): 35-54. Consider the following discussion points:


  • What is the relationship between sociocultural views of learning and classroom practice, according to the researchers?
  • Why did they decide to use wikis for the learning in the course?
  • In what ways did the learners have to work with each other?
  • What conclusions were drawn about using wikis for collaborative work? Would you agree?

This review of wikis has some helpful information: Li, M (2012) Use of Wikis in Second/Foreign Language Classes: A Literature Review CALL-EJ, 13(1), 17-35
CALL-EJ journal is on

This article considers the use of blogs and wikis: Miyazoe, T and Anderson, T (2010) Learning outcomes and students’ perceptions of online writing: Simultaneous implementation of a forum,blog,and wiki in an EFL blended learning setting System 38/2

You may find some other useful articles in the journals you have been viewing – ReCALL, CALL-EJ and System. You should try to have a look at these journals, and use the index/search to find other relevant research. Remember to log in to the journal online via your EASE / MyEd login. Then use the library tab, and search for the electronic journal title. If you do this, you should find that you have access to the pdf of the full article, which you can download and read later if you like.
When you start to store a lot of pdfs on your computer, you will find that you quickly lose track of them! Make sure you have a system so that you save the article with the title and author, so that you can find them again. Alternatively, you could use a programme like Mendeley, which sorts, stores and makes accessible your collection of readings. You can download Mendeley to your own computer:

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