Creating your own blog

If you already have a blog, you can of course use that for this course. You may, however, find it helpful to create a new blog so that you can use it in relation to this course. Many people who use blogs have more than one blog. To create a blog you have to create an account with someone who provides blogs. The instructions here are for creating a WordPress blog; you can use a different blog provider and the instructions will be very similar.

  1. go to
  2. on that page you should find a link to “sign up now” for a new blog. Click on the link to follow the instructions.
  3. you will have to give your email address and you will have to create a password – make sure you make a note of each!
  4. once you have successfully created the blog you will have a title page and a first post. To change this post, you should click on “edit” for the post.
  5. make a note of the URL for your blog and send a message to the discussions with this so that others can find your blog

Did you follow the instructions OK? Consider what instructions you would give to your learners if you were asking them to set up a blog for the first time.

Write a first post

With your new blog, you should now write a first post. This could be a short introduction – who you are and why you are writing a blog. This does not have to be a long post, but as you write consider that it will be others on the course who will be reading it.

  • Write your first blog post
  • Comment on a post written by someone else on this course

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